Registering a business name

How to Register a Business Name

In this post, I will outline the circumstances where a business needs to register a business name, how to register the name and what you need to do when you receive your business name registration cert. If a business trades under a business name which is not the registered name of the company or the name of the owner (if a sole trader) then the business name should be registered with CRO. There are separate forms for sole traders, partnerships and companies and specific requirements on the display of the business name. […]

Registering your company for tax.

How to Register your Company for Tax

Once you have formed your company with the Companies Registration Office, you will need to separately register your company for taxes. Form TR2 can be used to register for a number of taxes, including Corporation Tax, VAT and Employers PAYE…

Setting up a Limited Company.

How to Set Up a Limited Company in Ireland

A limited company is a separate legal entity to its owners. It is owned by its shareholders and is managed by its directors. A company is independent to its shareholders and directors and can continue in business even if its shareholders and directors change. […]