
Enhanced reporting requirements (ERR)

From 1 January 2024, employers will be required to report details of certain non-taxable payments made to employees and directors. Where you make one or more of the three payment …

Changes to Benefit-in-Kind

As part of the cost-of-living budget measures, Revenue have made changes to the Benefit-in-Kind (BIK) regime regarding company cars. As a result of the move to a CO2-based BIK system, …

Rent Tax Credit

Budget 2023 saw the introduction of a new Rent Tax Credit. The maximum Credit available is €1,000 for jointly assessed partners, or €500 in all other cases. Subject to conditions, …

Registering with myAccount

If you want to keep an eye on the various goings on of your tax affairs, and to access a range of Revenue services, you’d be doing yourself a favour …

Commercial vehicle?

What is a commercial vehicle?

Revenue define a ‘commercial vehicle’ or ‘company vehicles’ as ‘all cars or vans made available to employees by reason of their employment’. The definitions around types of vehicles are specific, …

Tax Relief on Health Expenses

Tax relief can be claimed on health expenses that you have paid for. This covers your own expenses, a family member’s, or indeed any individual’s, provided that you have paid …

Business Checklist for Brexit

As the UK’s departure from the EU enters its transition phase, the Irish government has released a Brexit Preparedness Checklist. The checklist will help firms continue to trade smoothly with …